Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Fourth Time's the Charm for Chantix?

More bad news for drugmakers today. Chantix, the prescription smoking-cessation aid from Pfizer, will now require a black box warning, the FDA said today. Reports that the drug may increase suicidality as well as seriously altered behavior aren't being taken lightly by regulators. mentioned something significant about this decision that many other media outlets didn't: This is the fourth (!) label change for the drug. Zyban, from GlaxoSmithKline, will also require the black box label. That pill is better known as Wellbutrin--the name used when it's sold as an antidepressant. But the FDA's edict will affect Pfizer more, as it's struggled to find another market blockbuster like Viagra. Chantix has been a big money maker for Pfizer in the past, but sales have plummeted as warning after warning has been slapped on the pills. 

While of course this decision was made to protect lives, MediaNewser worries it may mean higher prices for other Pfizer products across the board--and another hit to health consumers' already stressed wallets. 

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