I love that Obama's posting policy updates on Facebook (and Twitter, though my FB account is less overwhelming and more useful for news like this). And something he mentioned in this statement on Iran may be one of the many quotes he'll be remembered for: "Suppressing ideas never succeeds in making them go away." Gives me goosebumps.
And a note on social media's role in the situation: Twitter's being given much of the credit for promoting, or at least raising awareness, of the uprising in Iran ("The Twitter Revolution, anyone?), yet the focus on social media's role in the situation is dampening the awareness, imo, of the human suffering taking place. Let's hope there are more tweets on fundraising and practical ways that Americans can be of assistance, instead of merely being informed of the madness taking place. The last report on MSNBC as I write this indicates Mir Hossein Mosavi is asking for a national strike to start if he's arrested.