Friday, June 26, 2009

If It Quacks Like A Duck

This morning, Boston Globe columnist Ellen Goodman gave her take on Twitter, the Internet, and Iran.

The Not-Quite-Twitter Revolution shows all the virtues and vices of the Internet. The ease and flow of information. The difficulty of knowing its accuracy and meaning. It’s like searching for medical advice in an online world of quacks and cures. If there’s anything we have learned, it’s that the need for guides - and dare I say trusted guides - is greater than ever.

As an editor, her comments made me sigh (a little, at least) with relief. Like a principal at a loud, bustling middle school who can rein in the rowdy students, the blogosphere--and Twitter--need some firm voices of reason to guide the masses. We're still working on figuring out who those people will be, and how their points of view and guidance can cut through the sargasso sea of online voices.